# (decoded with TMPL 11972) { %filename% -- dispatcher for windows and for modeless dialogs } { Created %date% %time% by AppMaker } Unit %unitname%; Interface Uses %If MPW% {$Load ToolBox.dump} MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf, {$Load} %end if% %If Think% {$ifc undefined Think_Pascal} ListManager, {$endc} %end if% %UsesWindows% %UsesModelessDialogs% Globals; {----------} Procedure OpenWindows (fName: Str255; vRefNum: integer; fRefNum: integer); Procedure CloseCurWindow; Procedure MouseInContent (where: Point; modifiers: integer); Procedure TypeInWindow (ch: char); Procedure UpdateContent; Procedure ActivateContent (activate: boolean); Procedure ResizeContent; Procedure ScrollWindow (newValue: integer; oldValue: integer); Procedure DoControl (whichControl: ControlHandle; whichPart: integer; where: Point); Procedure InitModelessDialogs; Procedure CloseModelessDialog (whichDialog: DialogPtr); Function FilterModeless (whichDialog: DialogPtr; var event: EventRecord; var itemHit: integer): boolean; Procedure DoModelessItem (whichDialog: DialogPtr; itemNr: integer); {----------} Implementation %If MPW% {$D+} {$R+} {$OV+} %end if% %If MPW% {$S %unitname%} %end if% {----------} Procedure OpenWindows {(fName: Str255; vRefNum: integer; fRefNum: integer)}; Begin %OpenWindows% End; {OpenWindows} {----------} Procedure CloseCurWindow; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseCloseWhich% end; {case} End; {CloseCurWindow} {----------} Procedure MouseInContent {(where: Point; modifiers: integer)}; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseMouseInWhich% end; {case} End; {MouseInContent} {----------} Procedure TypeInWindow {(ch: char)}; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseTypeInWhich% end; {case} End; {TypeInWindow} {----------} Procedure UpdateContent; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseUpdateWhich% end; {case} End; {UpdateContent} {----------} Procedure ActivateContent {(activate: boolean)}; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseActivateWhich% end; {case} End; {ActivateContent} {----------} Procedure ResizeContent; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseResizeWhich% end; {case} End; {ResizeContent} {----------} Procedure ScrollWindow {(newValue: integer; oldValue: integer)}; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseScrollWhich% end; {case} End; {ScrollWindow} {----------} Procedure DoControl {(whichControl: ControlHandle; whichPart: integer; where: Point)}; Begin case cur^.windowKind of %caseControlWhich% end; {case} End; {DoControl} {----------} Procedure InitModelessDialogs; Begin %InitWhichModeless% End; {InitModelessDialogs} {----------} Procedure CloseModelessDialog {(whichDialog: DialogPtr)}; Begin %CloseWhichModeless% End; {CloseModelessDialog} {----------} Function FilterModeless {(whichDialog: DialogPtr; var event: EventRecord; var itemHit: integer): boolean}; Begin %FilterWhichModeless% End; {FilterModeless} {----------} Procedure DoModelessItem {(whichDialog: DialogPtr; itemNr: integer)}; Begin %DoWhichModeless% End; {DoModelessItem} End. {%unitname%}